Inquire Transgression Film Studios Seeks Candidates for Feature Length Documentary 9/25/2019 Inquire G Eugene Pichler makes appearance on Transition Radio on September 10, 2015 9/11/2015 Inquire G Eugene Pichler to appear on Transition Radio on September 10, 2015 8/27/2015 Inquire The documentary film, The Transsexual Delusion—The Men & Women Who Transgress Gender Norms, to be launched on September 30, 2025 7/21/2015 Inquire The fictional book, Dancing On The Periphery, to be launched on June 30, 2022 6/19/2015 Inquire G. Eugene Pichler releases the soundtrack of the second volume of the book, Dancing On The Periphery 6/11/2015 Inquire The second volume of the book, The Transsexual Delusion—The Good Doctor, to be launched on September 30, 2023 9/25/2013 Inquire CTV News recognizes G Eugene Pichler as a Trans Expert 1/27/2009 [the website,] provoked a lot of questions I refused to honestly consider.