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G. Eugene Pichler releases the soundtrack of the second volume of the book, Acceptable Losses, Dancing On The Periphery

G Eugene Pichler
Jun 11, 2015
G. Eugene Pichler has announced that the release of the second volume of the book, Acceptable Losses—The Good Doctor, is schedule for June 06, 2017. The book, The Good Doctor, looks at the medical community that treats so-called Gender Identity Disorder (commonly referred to as gender dysphoria) and how transsexuals, themselves, have gradually taken over key positions in the medical community to dictate the medical protocols dealing with gender dysphoria.

G Eugene Pichler, Dancing on the Periphery, Book Launch, Toronto, April 21, 2000

G Eugene Pichler speaks after performing a clip of the sound track of the book, Dancing on the Periphery, Buddies and Bad Time Theatre, Toronto, April 21, 2000

Toronto, Ontario

In advance of the launch of the second volume of his book, Acceptable Losses, Dancing On The Periphery, G. Eugene Pichler has released the Soundtrack of the second volume of the book, Acceptable Losses, Dancing On The Periphery.

Os escritos de G. Eugene Pichler sobre o tema das desordens sexuais ocasionalmente ocuparam a atenção da mídia pouco depois que ele lançou o Transgression Publications. A Transgression Publications promove vários livros, editoriais de opinião e artigos que abordam tópicos médicos contemporâneos, incluindo o vício em comportamento. O livro de recurso do site, The Transsexual Delusion & # 8281; Os homens e mulheres que transgridem as normas de gênero, analisa o transexualismo como um vício comportamental, bem como um vício em sexo, que é causado por um sistema de recompensa defeituoso no cérebro humano .

Em 2007, Emily Mills, anteriormente do grupo de programação de diversidade da CTV News (e agora com o CBC), reconheceu G Eugene Pichler como um especialista no assunto trans.

For more information contact G. Eugene Pichler or call Eugene at (647) 367-0062.