Attendees at the 149th Annual, Lehigh vs. LaFayette game, Bethlehem, PA 2013

go deeper into communities exhibiting behavioral addictions

Transsexual Reveler at the 2005 edition of the Toronto Gay Pride Parade

Etiology of Female Transsexualism

The incidence of transsexualism in females is relatively small—in 1967 researcher, Jan Wålinder of Göteborg, Sweden observed the male-to-female ratio of pathological transsexualism as 2.8 to 1, the same male-to-famle ratio of the various other behavioral addictions. Psychiatrists and psychologists know very little about transsexualism in women. In fact, even psychologist Dr. Ray Blanchard of the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH), who has dealt with over three hundred case files of women, seeking surgical changes their basic sexual anatomy, is silent on the matter. Blanchard may have personal reasons. Blanchard is rumored to be a female-to-male transsexual, himself, according to members of the transsexual community, who were under his clinical study. However, there is no tangible evidence to substantiate this rumor. Blanchard's ring finger is visibly longer than his index finger on his left hand, suggesting he is genetically male. In any event Gender Identity Disorder is to date the only phenomenon to speak for the life narratives of female-to-male transsexuals. A Gender Identity Disorder (GID) is again the persistent discomfort with one own sex / gender role in social setting coupled with the wish of being a member of the opposite sex. No one in psychology or psychiatry is on record for suggesting the female-equivalent of autogynephilia, autoandrophilia, exists in females.

There are a number of factors to account for the dramatically low incidence of the transsexualism in females, including heredity and addiction. Medical researchers have shown that hereditary plays a significant role in addiction. The gene is passed from father to child. The propensity for the gene associated with addiction to pass to male offspring is higher than female offspring. It is unknown how big the extra propensity is, but the children of parents with alcohol addictions, for example, must keep in mind that they have a greater chance to develop problems with alcohol and other behavioral addictions, including the behavioral addiction underlying transsexualism.

The higher propensity of the gene to pass from father to son rather than from father to daughter could explain why transsexualism as a behavioral addiction has a far greater incidence in males than females. The ratio is also significant. The male-to-female ratio of pathological sex addiction is 3.0 to 1 (3.0:1)—virtually the same male-to-female ratio of transsexualism. Further, the male-to-female ratio of pathological gambling addiction is 2.8 to 1—again, virtually the same male-to-female ratio of transsexualism. [1] The male-to-female ratio of pathological transsexualism is 3.0 to 1 (3:1). [2]

The life narrative of female-to-male transsexuals more closely follows morphophilic addiction, the unabating, persistent love of gender transition, and not a gender identity disorder.


[1] Wenzel, Hanne-Gro, Dahl, Alv A.: (2008) Female Pathological Gamblers: A Critical Review of the Clinic Findings

[2] Eklund, P., Gooren, L., & Bezemer, P. (1988). Prevalence of Transsexualism in the Netherlands. British Journal of Psychiatry, 152(5), 638-640. doi:10.1192/bjp.152.5.638